general information
Useful Phone Numbers
New Zealand Emergency: 111
Hospital (open 24 hours), Hospital Road: +64 3 520 9999
i-SITE visitor information centre: 8 Sinclair Street, +64 3 577 8080
Marlborough Taxis: +64 3 577 5511
Key Contacts
Kathy Hughes I Event Manager: +64 27 281 6444
Loren Coffey I Event Manager: +64 27 742 0350
Marcus Pickens I Wine Marlborough: +64 21 831 820
Angela Willis I New Zealand Winegrowers: +64 21 552 071
Chris Yorke I New Zealand Winegrowers: +64 21 419 194
Buses have been arranged to transport you to and from the various tasting locations and evening events during Sauvignon 2019.
Your name badge/lanyard has a bus letter listed on it. For logistical and health and safety reasons, please board the bus that matches your letter.
They will depart from outside the Marlborough Convention Centre, or from Seymour Square (one block away from the Marlborough Convention Centre), and will return you to one of these points.
Coffee - Reusable Cups
Coffee carts will be available at the ASB Theatre each day, serving delicious New Zealand coffee and hot beverages. If you have a Sauvignon 2019 reusable coffee cup, please bring this with you each day for your daily dose of the good stuff!
Health and Safety
To report a health and safety incident, please report to the information desk or contact Kathy Hughes on +6427 281 6444. Please follow the instructions of Sauvignon 2019 team members and staff at all locations in the case of an emergency.
Name Badges/Lanyards
Please wear your name badge/lanyard for admission to all sessions, tastings and evening events.
Information Desk
The Sauvignon 2019 information desk is located in the Marlborough Convention Centre and will be open while sessions at this venue and at the ASB Theatre are in progress over the three days.
Smoking is not permitted indoors. Designated smoking areas will be clearly marked at each location.
Strictly no smoking at Marisco River Hut on Day Three.
ASB Theatre
2 Hutcheson Street, Blenheim
Marlborough Convention Centre
42A Alfred Street, Blenheim
Paripuma Gardens
243 Renners Road, Blenheim
Cloudy Bay
230 Jacksons Road, Blenheim
Spy Valley
37 Lake Timara Road West, RD 6, Blenheim
Brancott Vineyard
180 Brancott Road, RD 2, Blenheim
Allan Scott
229 Jacksons Road, Blenheim
Ara Woolshed
271 Swamp Road, Blenheim
The Coterie
85 Bedford Road, Renwick
Wi-Fi passwords
Marlborough Convention Centre
Login: Marlborough Convention Centre Wireless
Password: Wine2019
ASB Theatre
Login: Sauvignon
Password: Wine2019
All other venues (excluding Brancott Vineyard – no Wi-Fi available)
Login: SB2019
Password: sauvblanc
Filming / Photography
Your participation in Sauvignon 2019 constitutes consent to be photographed and/or filmed as part of the official recording, as well as your consent to this recording being used by New Zealand Winegrowers and its affiliates to report on and promote Sauvignon 2019 and future New Zealand Wine events.
9 Nolan’s Road, Grovetown
Gifford’s Creek Lane, Hammick Road, Rapaura
193 Rapaura Road, Rapaura
Saint Clair
13 Selmes Road, Rapaura
9 Terrace Road, Renwick
Lawson’s Dry Hills
238 Alabama Road, Blenheim
Wairau River
11 Rapaura Road, Rapaura
Marisco River Hutt
169 Guernsey Road, Renwick